Episode III


After two wars the bananas and pineapples are different countries. The pineapples live in harmony while the banana are corupted but final the bananas got a stable leader, his name is Chicken Peels. Just after he got elected he declared war on the pineapples.

Now that the war has started the pinapples are losing with only twelve new palmi but then Palm Pineapple rejoins and the tides of wars change. Now the pineapples are winning every battle but then Palm Pineapples dies but it is to late for the bananas.

Now the final stand takes place for the bananas and they are holding five miles in front of the capital city and the pineapples have a massive force but when they attack they start losing. Then Palm Pineapple comes back not dead and they start winning then in two weeks the city is under pineapple control or thats what they think...